Thursday 12 July 2012

Coaching in Vivencia*

Coaching in Vivencia*
by Alain Willem and Virgine Charlier

Coaching in Vivencia* can embed dormant organizational values and transform them into living values.  About 100 years ago William Dilthey defined the concept of the Vivencia as the lived instant. Vivencia can thus best be described as a fully connected, present-moment, Body-Mind experience in which there is no future or past, no judgment or interpretation, just an aliveness and vitality of ‘being’.
Here and NowAlbert Einstein said that the resolution of a problem could not be done with the same thinking that created the problem.
The business problem that Vivencia can solve: 
Businesses are constantly engaged in attempts to create a more effective culture by encouraging employees to embrace core organizational values along with desired leadership qualities, such as creative inspiration, commitment and constructive engagement.
Unfortunately, whilst these values and qualities are well described and understood at an intellectual level in the organization; they are often not well lived, even amongst the leadership themselves.  The reason for this lack of success is simply because values, such as caring for others, or humility, are mainly emotional and therefore cannot be inculcated at cellular level via an intellectual explanation.  Some other methodology is needed to effect the inculcation of these types of values…
How is Coaching in Vivencia* different from ‘best practices coaching’ and how to do it?
The mind is a “making-meaning-machine”, and just like a con-artist, can justify almost anything. The body on the other hand, often just tells the truth.  We therefore need to awaken a coherent Body-Mind experience.  Selected progressive emotive music, combined with appropriate generative postures and movements can progressively re-awaken human attitudes such as empathy, creativity, courage, passion and self-esteem.
These feelings and sensations, experienced during vivencial coaching sessions, shape our inner reality and ultimately manifest themselves progressively as powerful human attitudes in the outer world. Vivencial practices therefore have the remarkable capability of embedding these successful human traits (sometimes also referred to as Meta-skills).
Some critical business attitudes, such as “operating in sensitive feedback” and “self-esteem”, are often dormant in human beings, and therefore could be more readily re-awakened through the use of coaching in vivencia.
ViolinCoaching in Vivencia* is different from ‘best practices coaching’ because it echoes and complements verbal- with non-verbal communication. Emotions are amplified by playing appropriate emotive music coherent with the leadership qualities to be embedded. In this way there is a greater integration between understanding, and feeling, the values. For example, it is difficult to listen to classical music from Chopin and not feel nostalgic, or to listen to Carmina Burana – ‘O Fortuna’ from Carl Orff and not feel more alive.
So Vivencia, combined with coaching can be used to better shift perceptions.
For example you are invited to push your creative edge by surprising your client (and yourself) when looking for a new solution. Or, having exhausted all logical possibilities to a critical question, you will be invited to stay within the feeling of the question and then, to follow the impulse in your body, waiting for an answer to emerge.
In more complex situations, where logical thinking is not doing the job anymore, you are invited to act spontaneously by trusting your instincts. Vivencial practices explore how to relate with yourself as well as others, whilst feeling fully alive. Coaching in Vivencia* is designed to embed greater humanity in leadership such as empathy; and not for conditioned values such as dominating or manipulating others.
What are the benefits?
To be different, be yourself!
Some examples of the successful attitudes that could be embedded through Coaching in Vivencia* are maintaining empathy under pressure, operating in sensitive feedback, pacing yourself for sustainability, treating people with dignity, engaging with passion in what you do, developing more flexibility, building quickly deep relationships, etc.… These are important qualities for leaders and coaches.
These valuable qualities, when lived, develop a successful attitude that elevates a competency, to the level of a talent. Imagine for example a good public speaker that could become charismatic by demonstrating great enthusiasm when presenting his/her topic!  Or, another example of a leader becoming more courageous and/or more creative in his leadership style.
Imagine then, the value to business and society in general, if more professionals (while living humane organizational values), were able to leapfrog from skilled to talented, toward their highest human potential!
About the Authors:
Alain WILLEM is an integral coach with more than 3500 hours of coaching executives and team in both English and French. Profile His special area of interest is to map the “magical attitude” of talented individuals for broader adoption. In the past ten years he has focused specifically on talent coaching for both individuals and performing’s teams; mostly for high-level executives in leading organizations. He has written two books; “Think smart” in 1997, and “Success DNA” in 2010 - to distil and transfer greatness.  Imagine modeling the best performers in your field. Read more  See more  Just like in a Google search- fly your CV to the top!  See more PATH COACHING (PTY) Ltd Email: Cell: +27 - 082 5560441  Visit my website: 
Virginie Charlier has 26 years experience in the Advertising & Marketing industry. She is a passionate Biodanza Facilitator, and is talented in transformational work through creative movement and expression.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

How Can Innovation Boost Sales?

                              Will the Salesman Outwit the Scary Secretary?

If you don’t make sales, you won’t have a business.

Everyone needs to be able to sell, no matter what his or her occupation.  Quite apart from selling products and services, selling skills are needed when communicating with others, in expressing our views, in seeking help, or obtaining finance for your newly founded business.  Frankly, your success in life depends directly