Monday, 31 October 2011

Have you Found Purpose in Life?

What is your Purpose? Do you know?

...this is perhaps the most important question we could answer in our entire lifetimes. Simply, by living our Purpose we discover new levels of happiness, fulfillment and effectiveness. It enables us to live our best lives, and inevitably we become masters of our own destiny. 

This remarkable tool requires you to answer only 7 questions , and within less than an hour, your Purpose will be revealed to you. 

It is not a lot of time for something so important. 

From then on your life becomes a compelling adventure of meaning and clear direction....

See the video Alain Willem - Life without Purpose and view the 1 page template included to the left.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Do your peers see you as a SuperCreatir?

This  Creativity Tool turns ideas  from Weird to Workable!
The Creatir is a tool that can help anyone to ‘think-out-of-the-box’ and create unique solutions